Fuck the Card Game


F. The Game is the original Aussie card game which will help you get smarter while swearing at your friends.

WARNING!- Kickstarted in 2015 this is a NSFW adult party game

A great social card game that will mess with your head by using a hysterically tricky combination of colors and swear words:

How do you play?

  • Players take turns to flip over a card and shout out what they see.
  • Depending on your card, you might say its background colour, its text colour or a swear word.
  • Keep playing until someone stuffs up and is forced to pick up all the cards.
  • The winner is the first player to get rid of their cards.


It sounds simple, but the cards use a psychological phenomenon – the Stroop effect – known to mess with your head and delay your brain’s response. Players can’t help but stuff up, sending the group into fits of laughter.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can take the game to a whole new level with more rules, more strategy and you can even create your own rules.


60 playing cards

4 Rule cards to leave on the table

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can take the game to a whole new level with more rules, more strategy and you can even create your own rules.

New DIY Expansion pack now available! Add any word or image you can think of and add it to your F. The Game deck!



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