ROMANTIC CARDS: Heat u? ??ur tub w?th?ut u??ng th? hot water with F?r??l?? fr?m Kh???r G?m??! E??h ???k?t includes 5 oz. ?f bath salts ?nd 5 r?m?nt?? suggestion ??rd?.
SEXY AND FUN IDEAS: Th? cards offer ??x? ?nd fun ideas for ways th?t you ?nd ??ur lover can ?nj?? ?h?r?ng a n???, warm tub t?g?th?r.
ENOUGH BATH: Th? r???mm?nd?d u??g? ?m?unt ?? 1 ?un?? so there are ?n?ugh b?th ??lt? f?r 5 b?th? or d??? ?n the h?t tub.
SAFE: The b?th salts ?r? h?t tub ??f? ?? fun ??n b? had in any size tub!
INTIMATE: Th? cards ?ff?r ?nt?m?t? ?d??? f?r w??? th?t ??u ?nd your l?v?r ??n enjoy ?h?r?ng a nice, w?rm tub together.
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