BDSM toys are a class of sex toys designed to enhance bondage, humiliation play, and other sexual activities enjoyed by BDSM couples and participants. BDSM toys are typically designed to physically restrain a partner, blindfold or gag a partner, or tease a partner while they are restrained. They are intended to enhance the pain and pleasure experienced during a BDSM scene.

BDSM toys are typically made from durable materials like leather, latex, satin, or steel to withstand the wear and tear of rough BDSM play.

Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day Valentine’s Day probably has you thinking of flowers; Roses, chocolate, sextoys, cheese cakes, perfumes and heart-eye emojis, but before you start crafting Valentine’s Day cards and searching for the best gifts for your Valentine (and Condoms…lol!), you might be wondering why we actually celebrate on February 14.  So what’s valentine’s day about? Really why the fuss? Where did …

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Valentine Gift Ideas

You are feeling it, dear? It’s love! I’m Damilola from Sexpenditure. And we LOVE Valentine’s Day. It’s cheesy, sure, but it’s one more cute way to show love – and ain’t nothing wrong with that. Watch me shower you with love. I’ve made THIS LISTING just for you. I’ve filled it with toys that say “I love you” …

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What is a Sex Shop

Honestly I had to pause for a minute, like okay what do I say to you now. A sex shop contains sex products; oh Damilola dnt be this silly, common explain to them properly. Lets  get right into this. When you think of clothes you think boutique, when you think toiletries and groceries you think …

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